
Order Summary/Checkout Page

Welcome to the final step of your Entrip Trails journey—the Order Summary and Checkout Page. This page is where the magic happens, where your travel dreams become a reality. Here, we provide you with a transparent and hassle-free way to complete your booking and prepare for your transformative adventure.

What to Expect:

  1. Order Summary: In the top section of this page, you’ll find a detailed summary of the items in your cart. This includes the names of the products or services you’ve selected, their individual prices, quantities, and any applicable taxes or fees. We believe in transparency, so you’ll have a clear view of your order’s cost breakdown.
  2. Shipping Options: Depending on the nature of your purchase, you may see information about applicable shipping costs or options. This ensures you’re well-informed about any additional fees associated with the delivery of physical products or services. If your purchase does not require shipping, this section will be omitted.
  3. Payment Choices: We understand that everyone has their preferred way to pay. That’s why we offer a variety of payment options to suit your needs. Whether you prefer using credit cards, UPI, or any other accepted payment methods, you’ll find them all clearly indicated on this page.

Secure Payment Process:

Your security is our priority. Rest assured that our payment gateway, Cashfree, is trusted and secure. Your financial information will be handled with the utmost care to ensure a safe and smooth transaction.

Review and Confirm:

Before finalizing your order, we encourage you to take a moment to review the details on this page. Ensure that everything is as you expect it to be, from your selected items to the payment method. If you have any last-minute changes, this is the time to make them.

Questions or Assistance:

If you have any questions or require assistance during the checkout process, our dedicated Customer Support team is here to help. You can reach us at or +917032465716. We’re always happy to assist you.

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

With everything in order and your travel dreams just a step away, click the “Complete Purchase” button to finalize your booking. Your transformative adventure with Entrip Trails awaits!

Note: The Order Summary/Checkout Page may vary slightly depending on the products or services you have selected. Rest assured that we are committed to providing a seamless and secure booking process for all your travel needs.

Thank you for choosing Entrip Trails for your travel and wellness experiences.